Tuesday 3 May 2011

Wedding Accessories

It has been the first time I took on the challenge to photograph high reflective jewelry. I went on instinct and experimented a bit, but came to a very simple solution in the end. Two lights and a mirror. It took me a few hours to shoot these jewelry pieces and a few other wedding accessories like pillows and garters, etc. But look at these few glossy items and enjoy.

I will be photographing more jewelry and will be playing with high key styling. (white backgrounds)

Until later.

Tuesday 12 April 2011


A few years back I just got my first 35mm film camera and I was shooting film rolls by the truck loads. My brother André and his friend Justin, visited me the one night and I whipped up these images. The camera was a Nikon F3 with a 50mm Nikkor lens. The lighting was a light fixture with several tungsten bulbs normaly used for on make-up mirrors, the kind in dressing rooms behind theatre stages. See the subtle multiple shadows. I like this dark, deep black.


Vernon asked me to shoot a few images for an EPK he was putting together. He wanted to show his fashion style at the time and I decided to shoot Low Key using two hot lights only. We shot Digital and 35mm Film. I think these are the digital images, it's been too long back to remember. What matters is that Vernons' Character is captured beautifully in these few images.

Victor's weekend special

We had Victor, one of our dearly beloved friends over for Sunday lunch. He brought his lovely three year old daughter with. So these pictures ended up on the menu.

Friday 4 March 2011

Awake My Soul

My heart breaks for our innocent children, trapped by mans selfish ambition and illogical systems. 

The past few years has been a great challenge for countles people on this earth.

I felt like I was carrying a heavy load, to heavy to bear. I became weak and disillusioned. It became easier to sit back and accept defeat, from every angle of life, business and social arenas.


My inner man became exhausted even as I continued to try hard at all I knew, all I understood, all I endeavoured. Yet, I became weaker. My Soul grew weary and began to fall asleep, and then, then it would not wake.

"But a shimmer of Light brakes through, the curtain is torn apart."

Awake my Soul... Life has come. Winter is over, even as the snow lays on the fresh green budding leaves, Winter is over! The cold pangs of the night may still lash out but soon evaporates as the noonday sun rise.

I urge all who has had a tough, relentless season of trouble, pain and discomfort to cry out, to shout out...

"AWAKE... MY SOUL!" and count your blessings.

Psa 30:5  For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.

Take heart.