Tuesday 12 April 2011


A few years back I just got my first 35mm film camera and I was shooting film rolls by the truck loads. My brother André and his friend Justin, visited me the one night and I whipped up these images. The camera was a Nikon F3 with a 50mm Nikkor lens. The lighting was a light fixture with several tungsten bulbs normaly used for on make-up mirrors, the kind in dressing rooms behind theatre stages. See the subtle multiple shadows. I like this dark, deep black.


Vernon asked me to shoot a few images for an EPK he was putting together. He wanted to show his fashion style at the time and I decided to shoot Low Key using two hot lights only. We shot Digital and 35mm Film. I think these are the digital images, it's been too long back to remember. What matters is that Vernons' Character is captured beautifully in these few images.

Victor's weekend special

We had Victor, one of our dearly beloved friends over for Sunday lunch. He brought his lovely three year old daughter with. So these pictures ended up on the menu.